Dearest Flock -

For those who would like to get the most out of this week’s worship service, I suggest carefully reading the prescribed passage and prayerfully chewing on the following questions:

Strength For Today
Matthew 14:13-21

  1. Look up the meaning of the word compassion (verse 14) in its original language using Blue Letter Bible.  Then look up the etymology of the English word compassion.  What does this tell you about the focus and nature of Jesus?

  2. More than meeting a temporal need, what enduring message did the feeding of the 5000 underscore?  John 6:48; Psalm 40:7; Luke 24:27

  3. Begin each day this week with YouVersion’s Verse of the Day and 1-Minute Devotions.  This will help you create a habit of going to God and hearing from heaven when the day is new.  Then, rest in the promises of the God who is with you and for you!

Bon Appétit,

P.S. WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to download the free YouVersion app and begin each day with the Verse of the Day. YouVersion has the added benefit of chronicling all of our upcoming bulletin events with hyperlinks for easy registration/participation. This is an excellent way to stay connected!

P.P.S. Use online concordance, e.g.,,,, etc. to look up keywords, review context, and conduct cross studies.