

Jeff & Stacy Brown | 206-919-1967

Rich & Leslie Wahlquist | 425.641.4396
4548 168th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98006

1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm

We want to continue to build, encourage, and connect our church community.  There is no better way to do this that in a small group environment where you can spend time really getting to know one another.  We aspire to rejoice over Jesus, share our stories, and look to God’s Word and the Power of His Spirit in our lives while loving each other with a sincere and grateful heart.  There will be a lot of fellowship and time to get to know one another.  The study will initially be around the Sunday Genesis message or the Wednesday teaching in Hebrews, with additional study and direction from the group once we all get together.  We are excited to get to know our neighbors better and everyone is invited to join us.

Snacks, beverages, and fellowship included.  No childcare.